Iran To Change Content Of English Handbooks Upon Khamenei’s Order


The Islamic Republic has blazoned its intention to change the content of handbooks in foreign language seminaries after review by Iran’s sovereign Ali Khamenei.

Here Below Discussed About The “Khamenei’s Order To Change Content Of English Handbooks In IRAN”:

Head of Non-Governmental seminaries and Centers Ahmad Mahmoudzadeh told ILNA Sunday that “ We’ll have a call to produce content of language books for seminaries, which will be enforced in line with the order of the Supreme Leader. Language literature that don’t relate to our culture will be thrown out, he continued.

Changing the content of handbooks grounded on the government’s propaganda programs has been enforced in the last many times upon the order of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. still, this is the first time that these changes will be applied to the language tutoring books of private institutes.

Ali Khamenei had before blamed tutoring English in general, saying in 2016 that” now we’ve reached to a point that English language literacy has been extended to kindergartens”. Following his commentary, ministry of education put a ban on tutoring English at primary seminaries.

English isn’t included in Iran’s sanctioned class during the six times of primary academy, but colorful non-governmental and a small part of public seminaries educate scholars English asextra-curricular subject, and these classes aren’t obligatory.

In recent times, some government officers have also suggested that rather of English, the tutoring of Russian, Chinese and German languages should be supported in Iran.


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