Netanyahu Disregarded Hamas’ Offer of a Hostage Deal Before Israel Launched a Ground Attack? Complete Inside Information

Netanyahu Disregarded Hamas' Offer of a Hostage Deal Before Israel Launched a Ground Attack?

Israel and Hamas declared a 4-day ceasefire and the release of some hostages in exchange for the freedom of Palestinian inmates on Day 47 of their most recent conflict. Inside facts of the tense negotiations that started shortly after Hamas‘ October 7 attack, in which hundreds of hostages were carried to the Gaza Strip, have now been made public in a report. Before Israel began its ground invasion, Hamas reportedly agreed to the general terms of a deal, according to news agency Reuters, but the Benjamin Netanyahu administration was not persuaded.

“Won’t Release”: The Major Proclamation of Islamic Jihad Against IDF Following Israel-Hamas Agreement Regarding Hostages

According to a statement made by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, no Israeli soldier would be freed from captivity until all Palestinian inmates in Israeli jails are liberated. The announcement was made just hours after Israel and Hamas agreed to exchange hostages in exchange for a four-day cease-fire in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu is rattled by Hezbollah’s blitz, which forces Israel to knock on the UN door and say, “We Are Coming.”


Beleaguered Amidst Hezbollah bombings, Israel has knocked on the door of the United Nations. Israel has alerted the UN about the possibility of a full-scale conflict in the Middle East. Eli Cohen, the foreign minister of Israel, believes that a regional conflict could be sparked by Hezbollah’s actions. Following weeks of clashes on the Israeli-Lebanese border, a warning has been issued. The Lebanese organization recently announced, “We Are Coming,” while displaying their military training.

Before the Gaza ceasefire, Hamas bleeds Israeli forces; two more IDF soldiers are killed in combat.

Hours before a truce is anticipated to be in place in the beleaguered Palestinian enclave for the first time since October 7, the day Hamas invaded Israel and the Gaza War began, Haaretz reported that Israeli forces had lost two more troops in fighting in the Gaza Strip. There have been at least 70 IDF soldiers killed in combat since Israel invaded Gaza.

Satellite Image Shows Houthi-Hijacked Ship; US Is Planning To “Punish” Yemeni Group | Details

The “Galaxy Leader” stolen ship was seen near the crowded Red Sea port of Al-Hudaydah.

The ship that the Houthis hijacked is visible in new satellite images close to the Yemeni port. The “Galaxy Leader” stolen ship was seen near the crowded Red Sea port of Al-Hudaydah. The port’s latest transmission site is approximately 430 miles southeast of the port. Since the hijacking on November 19, 25 members of the ship’s crew have been held captive by the Houthis. The Houthis did not clarify what they meant when they stated that they were treating the crew members “in accordance with their Islamic values.” The United States is furious over the hijack and intends to “punish” Houthi.

The IDF death toll from the Gaza War rises as Hamas’ Abu Obaida reveals the three primary weapons used against Israel.

The three primary weapons that the Palestinian group’s members are using to strike Israeli military vehicles in the Gaza Strip are listed by Abu Obaida, the spokesperson for Hamas’ military branch Al Qassam Brigades. According to Obaida, Israeli military vehicles are being destroyed by Hamas employing armour-piercing explosive devices (Shuath), Tandem-85 shells, and Al-Yassin 105 anti-tank shells. A 4-day cease-fire and the release of 150 Palestinians from Israeli detention are part of the terms of the hostage-release agreement that Israel and Hamas reached in the meanwhile.

South Africa Cheers Upon Israel; Votes To Sever Connection Following Diplomatic Stunt in Jerusalem

South Africa Cheers Upon Israel

Israel and South Africa are engaged in a full-fledged diplomatic conflict as a result of the Gaza War. In a tit-for-tat vote, MPs in South Africa approved the closure of the Israeli Embassy in Pretoria and the suspension of all diplomatic ties. Additionally, Israel was criticized by President Cyril Ramaphosa, who charged it with war crimes and genocide in Gaza. Shortly after Israel recalled its ambassador to South Africa, there would be a vote.

China Mosques are Visible on Satellite View While Xi Jinping Asserts His Support For The Rights Of Muslim Countries And Gaza

A human rights group study said that Xi Jinping’s government was carrying out widespread crackdowns on houses of worship in China, just days after China held a gathering of Arab and other Muslim countries regarding the situation in Gaza in light of the Israel-Hamas conflict. According to the survey, the bulk of Muslims in China reside in the northern regions of the country, where hundreds of mosques have been closed or modified.

Israeli children perform a shocking song about Gaza called “Will Kill Them All”; the video sparks outrage.

A seemingly incendiary film featuring young Israeli youngsters has gone viral. Israeli children may be heard performing a song with startling lyrics in the viral video. “We’ll eradicate everyone in a year”: Israeli kids make a promise in the song. The song written in Hebrew is called “Children of the Generation of Victory.” It was shown on Israel’s official broadcaster, Kan, under the headline, “We’ll annihilate everyone in Gaza.” However, she was later compelled to take down the video because it provoked outrage across the internet.


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