Google is revamping its ad sales as automation increases.


According to the source, Sean Downey, who is in charge of managing Google’s ad sales to large clients in the Americas, announced at a department-wide meeting last week that the company intends to reorganize its ad sales teams. He did not, however, say if this would involve layoffs.

owned by Alphabet According to The Information on Tuesday, which cited a person with knowledge of the matter, Google intends to reorganize a significant portion of its 30,000-strong ad sales business.

According to the source, Sean Downey, who is in charge of managing Google’s ad sales to large clients in the Americas, announced at a department-wide meeting last week that the company intends to reorganize its ad sales teams. He did not, however, say if this would involve layoffs.

According to the article, which cited a second source briefed on Google’s plans, Google planned to reassign staff members at its sizable customer sales unit who manage connections with key advertisers in order to condense staff, potentially through layoffs.

The article also stated that Google is planning to reorganize as a result of its increased reliance on machine learning techniques to assist users in purchasing more advertisements on YouTube, its search engine, and other services.

Google did not answer Reuters’ request for comment right away.

Alphabet revealed plans to eliminate 12,000 jobs globally in January of this year, which equates to 6% of its total staff.

When it integrated Waze’s advertising system with Google Ads, Waze’s employees were let go by Google earlier in June.


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