How to observe the peak of the Ursid meteor shower this week in 2023

Ursid meteor shower

On December 23, don’t miss the Ursid meteor shower. This is the Indian way to view it.

The Ursid meteor shower, which peaks on December 23, is something you might want to see if you’re searching for a celestial treat this winter. Every year, around the winter solstice, when Earth passes through comet 8P/Tuttle’s debris, there is a tiny meteor shower known as the Ursids.

Even if the Ursid are not as brilliant as the Geminids, which lit up the sky earlier this month, we can still catch a glimpse of some shooting stars during the chilly evening.

When the Ursid meteor shower are at their peak, five to ten meteors per hour are produced under optimum circumstances.

Locate a clear, dark area away from city lights so that you may view the Ursids. The early hours of December 22 and 23, just before dawn, are the ideal times to search for meteors. The circumpolar constellation Ursa Minor, popularly referred to as the Little Bear or the Little Dipper, will appear to be the source of the meteors’ radiant appearance. It is visible throughout the night in the northern hemisphere. To find the constellation, utilize a sky map program on your phone or simply search for Polaris, the brilliant star that signifies the Little Dipper’s handle’s end.

Simply use your eyes and a little patience to enjoy the Ursids; no special equipment is required. To ensure your comfort, pack a blanket or chair and dress warmly. After giving your eyes some time to acclimate to the darkness, look up at the sky for any bright streaks.

A quiet but dependable meteor shower that might liven up your winter evenings is the Ursids. Don’t pass up this chance to see some celestial fireworks before the year is out.


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