On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi departed from Bengaluru, Karnataka, on a Tejas aircraft.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday took a sortie on Tejas aircraft at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) site in Karnataka’s Bengaluru, news agency ANI reported.
He will also review and visit their manufacturing facility, including the facility for Tejas jets.
The Indian Air Force recently issued a tender to the state-owned HAL for the purchase of 12 advanced Su-30MKI fighter jets.
Twelve Su-30MKI fighters, which the HAL would produce in India in collaboration with Russian original equipment makers, are the subject of a recent tender that was obtained by ANI, citing defense sources.
According to them, the public sector company is anticipated to reply to the tender by the end of the next month, providing further information and project specifications.